Danny Goldberg: Politically active celebrities helped defeat Trump
This article originally appeared in The Hill on November 6, 2021
Music business executive Danny Goldberg credited a coalition of politically active artists and actors that he sees as contributing to former President Trump’s 2020 election defeat.
During an interview on Hill.TV’s “Rising,” Goldberg, who’s company has managed artists ranging from The Allman Brothers to Nirvana, said that Trump’s presidency led to more “activist artists.”
“They were part of the coalition that defeated Trump,” Goldberg told The Hill’s Steve Clemons. “Artists and entertainers are part of a general feeling in what we call the resistance and I think it was a much broader group of people because of the pain they felt about Trump.”
Goldberg, owner of artist management firm Gold Village Entertainment, released a book earlier this week, Bloody Crossroads 2020: Art, Entertainment, and Resistance to Trump. He said the swell of artist involvement began during Trump’s 2016 campaign,which catalyzed artist and entertainer involvement in politics.
“There was a big paradigm shift when Trump was elected in 2016,” Goldberg said. “After Trump you had mega stars like Taylor Swift, Cardi B joining in. After Trump you had actors like Robert De Niro and Bette Midler, who previously had kept their politics mostly to themselves, feeling the need to be engaged.”
Goldberg said the inclusion of artists in political conversation has become a natural fit.
“Most fans respect the idea that performers are human beings and have the right to their political opinions just as much as billionaires do, or labor unions or any of the other forces that influence the political realm,” he said.